Substance Use Disorder
Humboldt County's rate of drug overdose deaths remains higher than state and national rates. In California, drug overdose death was the leading cause of premature death in 2020. In 2021, the rate of unintentional drug overdose deaths in Humboldt County increased by 67% from the previous year. Between 2020-2021, fentanyl-related drug overdose deaths , the rate of unintentional drug overdose deaths accounted for 64% of all drug overdose deaths in Humboldt County, resulting in the highest mortality rate recorded in the previous 15 years. Substance Use Disorder ("SUD") is particularly heartbreaking for pregnant people and teens for a number of reasons. SUD is one of our four priority areas for health improvement, and the focus of many efforts across the county to prevent and treat SUD and reduce deaths due to overdose.
Indicator Gauge Icon Legend
Legend Colors
Red is bad, green is good, blue is not statistically different/neutral.
Compared to Distribution
the value is in the best half of communities.
the value is in the 2nd worst quarter of communities.
the value is in the worst quarter of communities.
Compared to Target
meets target; does not meet target.
Compared to a Single Value
lower than the comparison value; higher than the comparison value; not statistically different from comparison value.
non-significant change over time; significant change over time; no change over time.
Compared to Prior Value
higher than the previous measurement period; lower than the previous measurement period; no statistically different change from previous measurement period.